Solvable with simple tree-logic based chatbots, even if not LLM-powered.
- Volume. What is the volume of requests you receive? Do you have more than 5 customer service agents?
- Repetition. Do you have a high number of inquiries or repetitive tasks?
- Bandwidth. Are you a solopreneur spending 2-3 hours tackling customer requests alone?
- Availability. Do you have a global client-base? Is 24/7 availability important for your business?
Better addressed with customized chatbots augmented with a knowledge base.
- Locale. Is your audience diverse and multi-locale?
- Scope. What kind of requests do you get - open-ended or contained? Can they be answered with logical flows or do they require human judgment?
- Search & Retrieval. Do your requests require quick information retrieval from different places that might be a struggle for a human? Is this information in the form of large blocks of text?
- Automation inefficiency. Do you already have automation set up? What fraction of tickets are currently unsolved by your automation system?
- User onboarding. How many onboarding flows do you have? Do you have multiple onboarding tutorials for your app or often have service agents “walking someone through a process”?
- Voice and Branding. Can you envision a chat-first interface as the future of your business? Do you see chat assistants as a brand strategy?
Red flags, for not considering an LLM for your customer experience.
- Risk tolerance. Can you risk your chat assistant being wrong or incorrect? What is the potential cost of being incorrect?
- Business personality. Do you have a personal touch based business? Do you have a small number of elite users who value personal connection?