Technical Talks & Workshops - page 2

I speak about building cloud native data applications. If you'd like me to speak at your event, drop me a mail at

Here's my profile on Sessionize.

Mar 16, '24 | GDG Cloud, Singapore

Hands-on workshop about the multimodality features of the latest Gemini Pro Vision model using Vertex AI    [Slides]

Jan 19, '24 | Practical Blockchain, Singapore

Walk-through of analyzing the first Eth accounts and what they are doing now.    [Slides]

Nov 18, '23 | GDG Devfest, Singapore

This talk walks through the process of transforming an unstructured database of over 22 million entities into a text-searchable resource. We deep-dive concepts of indexing, (n)grams and tf-idf. And explore the insights from the successes, challenges and limitations of this technical project. (with GCP)    [Slides]

Nov 04, '23 | GDG Cloud Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

This talk walks through the process of transforming an unstructured database of over 22 million entities into a text-searchable resource. We deep-dive concepts of indexing, (n)grams and tf-idf. And explore the insights from the successes, challenges and limitations of this technical project. (with GCP)    [Slides] [Demo]

Oct 14, '23 | GeekcampSG, Singapore

This talk walks through the process of transforming an unstructured database of over 22 million entities into a text-searchable resource. We deep-dive concepts of indexing, (n)grams and tf-idf. And explore the insights from the successes, challenges and limitations of this technical project. (with AWS)    [Slides]

Dec 14, '21 | Practical Blockchain, Singapore

Events in Solidity, smart contract best practices, minted our own (YAY!) token and swapped it on Uniswap   

Dec 07, '21 | Practical Blockchain, Singapore

We cover basics of blockchains, Ethereum and code and deploy our first smart contract (a decentralized lottery app!) using the Remix IDE   

Apr 03, '21 | GDG Singapore

Transitioning into the tech industry   

Sep 08, '20 | Coding Girls, Singapore


Aug 18, '20 | ReactSG, Singapore

Strategies to make your React components faster