Experiments with tech and truth - page 2

I write about many things - software engineering, cloud native architectures, data processing techniques, blockchains, the books I read, cuisines from around the world and human psychology.

Writing is a way for me to learn, document, assimilate, understand and process. It is an act of ego. I might as well admit it.

Apr 08, '23

Notes from the mind of a *really old* strategist.

Apr 08, '23

This book helped me build product perspective like no other. A complete playbook of techniques and actionables.

Jul 20, '21
#blockchain-and-web3 #remix #smart-contracts

So, you've heard of smart contracts. And now you want to see one in action. This tutorial gets up and running in under 60-minutes

May 20, '21
#code #documentation

Writing documentation is not fun. But it **is** important. How do you write documentation that survives the test of time?

Sep 23, '20
#cloud computing #GCE

What is the Google Cloud Associate Engineer exam and how to ace it?

May 16, '19
#google #leadership #mindset

My take-aways from this wonderful insight into the culture of Google

Aug 22, '18

Use Jupyter Notebooks to directly launch your findings as an interactive website.

Aug 08, '18

This tutorials goes through creating PDFs from Gitbook.

Jun 06, '18
#programming #cs-basics

Slightly less uncommon for coding interviews, Dynamic Programming questions are still a favourite. This approach is an optimization over recursion. Developed in the 1950s, in my opinion, it tests developers' ability to break down a problem into its smallest, most fundamental piece. In this article, we learn about Dynamic Programming by digging deeper into the "coin-change" problem with dynamic programming.

Apr 30, '18

Performance leaks in the Chrome Browser are common and hard to detect. This is simple first-level diagnostic to track down memory leaks and problems.